Child Custody And Visitation (Parenting Time) Application Attachment {FL-311} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Judicial Council   Family Law - Motions 
Child Custody And Visitation (Parenting Time) Application Attachment {FL-311} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 6/7/2018

Child Custody And Visitation (Parenting Time) Application Attachment {FL-311}

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(1)(2) at(day of week)(time) from(b)(a) having the initial fifth weekend, which starts (date): The parties will alternate the fifth weekends, with the petitioner respondent even numbered months. odd Theother parent/party will have the fifth respondent petitionerweekend in other parent/party 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th weekend of the month at(day of week)(time) to(Note: The first weekend of the month is the first weekend with a Saturday.) a.m.p.m./ if applicable, specify: start of schoolafter school a.m.p.m./ if applicable, specify: start of schoolafter school Alternate weekends starting(date):(date):Weekends starting at(day of week)(time) from at(day of week) to(time)(3)(date): Weekdays starting at(day of week)(time) from at(day of week)(time) to(4)Other visitation (parenting time) days and restrictions are: as follows:listed in Attachment 2e(4) a.m.p.m./ if applicable, specify: after schoolstart of school a.m.p.m./ if applicable, specify: start of schoolafter school a.m.p.m./ if applicable, specify: start of schoolafter school a.m.p.m./ if applicable, specify: start of schoolafter school Other Parent's/Party's parenting time (visitation) will be as follows: Respondent's Petitioner'sd.dated (specify date): -page document a.b.c.e.Reasonable right of parenting time (visitation) to the party without physical custody (not appropriate in cases involving domestic violence). See the attached The parties will go to child custody mediation or child custody recommending counseling at (specify date, time, and No visitation (parenting time). Visitation (parenting time). (Specify start and ending date and time. If applicable, check "start of" OR "after school.") location):Note: Unless specifically ordered, a child's holiday schedule order has priority over the regular parenting time.CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION (PARENTING TIME) APPLICATION ATTACHMENT227This is not a court order227TOPetition Response Request for Order Responsive Declaration to Request for Order (specify):Other CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION (PARENTING TIME) APPLICATION ATTACHMENTForm Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California FL-311 [Rev. July 1, 2016]1. Custody. Custody of the minor children of the parties is requested as follows:Child's Name Date of Birth Legal Custody to (person who decides about health, education, etc.) Physical Custody to (person with whom the child lives)2.Page 1 of 2Family Code, 247 6200 et (Parenting Time). FL-311 CASE NUMBER: PETITIONER:RESPONDENT:OTHER PARENT/PARTY: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2FL-311 [Rev. July 1, 2016]4.(address):(name):(address):Transportation to begin the visits will be provided by Transportation from the visits will be provided by The exchange point at the beginning of the visit will be The exchange point at the end of the visit will be During the exchanges, the party driving the children will wait in the car and the other party will wait in his or her home (or exchange location) while the children go between the car and the home (or exchange location). Other(specify):The children will be driven only by a licensed and insured driver. The car or truck must have legal child restraint devices.(name):g.a.b.c.e.f.d.6.7. 8. 9. 3.I request that (name):have supervised visitation (parenting time) with the minor children according to the schedule set out on page 1.percent; respondent: who is a professionalnonprofessional supervisor. I request that any costs of supervision be paid as follows: petitioner:percent;other parent/party:percent.If item 3 is checked, you must attach a declaration that shows why unsupervised visitation (parenting time) would be bad for your children. The judge is required to consider supervised visitation if one parent or party is alleging domestic violence and is protected by a restraining order.d.c.b.a.I request that the visitation (parenting time) be supervised by (name): e.The supervisor's phone number is (specify):The person who supervises the visitation (parenting time) must meet the requirements listed in Declaration of Supervised Visitation Provider (form FL-324) under Family Code 247 3200.5. 5.a.c.(specify):(specify): the state of California. the following counties other placesb.must have written permission from the other parent or party, or a court order, to take the children out of the following places:10.Supervised visitation (parenting time). Transportation for visitation (parenting time) and place of exchange. Travel with children. TheChild abduction prevention. There is a risk that one of the parties will take the children out of California without the other party's permission. I request the orders set out on attached form FL-312. Children's holiday schedule. I request the holiday and vacation schedule set out on the attached Additional custody provisions. I request the additional orders regarding custody set out on the attachedJoint legal custody provisions. I request joint legal custody and want the additional orders set out on the attached Other. I request the following additional orders (specify): petitioner respondent other parent/party form FL-341(C)Other (specify): form FL-341(D)Other (specify):form FL-341(E)Other (specify): FL-311 CASE NUMBER: PETITIONER:RESPONDENT:OTHER PARENT/PARTY:CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION (PARENTING TIME) APPLICATION ATTACHMENT American LegalNet, Inc.

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