Trial Setting Conference Statement {TUO-CV-200} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Trial Setting Conference Statement {TUO-CV-200} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 8/27/2018

Trial Setting Conference Statement {TUO-CV-200}

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TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 1 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) TUO-CV-200 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1.Petitioner:Name: Address: 2.Respondent:Name: Address: 3.Date of Marriage: Date of Separation: 4.Issues (check all that apply): Agreed Upon: Not Agreed Upon: [ ] Dissolution of the Marriage[ ] [ ] [ ] Child Custody[ ] [ ] [ ] Child Support[ ] [ ] [ ] Spousal Support[ ] [ ] [ ] Property Division and Equalization[ ] [ ] [ ] Assignment of Debts[ ] [ ] [ ] Date of Separation[ ] [ ] [ ] Parentage[ ] [ ] [ ] Other (specify) Peti ti oner or Respondent: Name: Address: City, State & Zip: Telephone: , Petitioner, and , Respondent. Case Number: [ ] PETITIONER222S [ ] RESPONDENT222S TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Space below for use of Court Clerk only American LegalNet, Inc. TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 2 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) CHILDREN OF THE RELATIONSHIP 5.Provide the following information regarding minor children of the relationship: Name Date of Birth Age EXISTING ORDERS FOR CUSTODY AND SUPPORT (Complete if child custody or child support is an issue.) 6.Is there presently an order for child custody in effect?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, list existing child custody orders: Date of Order Party Having Custody Party Having Visitation 7.Is there presently an order for payment of child support?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, list existing child support orders: Date of Order Party Ordered to Pay American LegalNet, Inc. TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 3 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) WRITTEN AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE PARTIES (Complete in all cases.) 8.Do you and the other party have any written agreements concerning child custody, child support,spousal support, or property or debts to be awarded to a party?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, attach a copy of each agreement. c.If not in unity, explain any verbal agreement: CHILD CUSTODY (Complete if Child Custody is an issue.) 9.If there is no current court order listed in item 8 above, describe the child custody/visitationarrangements presently being followed by you and the other parent: 10.Describe the custody arrangement you want the court to order at the present time (check theappropriate box):[ ] Remain the same. [ ] Other (describe): American LegalNet, Inc. TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 4 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) SEPARATE PROPERTY AND DEBTS (Complete if Property Division is an issue) 11.Does either party have property or debts that are the party222s separate property (owned beforemarriage; received as a gift at any time; or acquired after separation)?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, list each item of property and debt, and the party to whom the property or debt belongs: Description of Item/Debt Date and Type Confirm to (H or W) COMMUNITY PROPERTY AND DEBTS (Complete if property division is an issue.) 12.Property owned by the Parties (list the property acquired by you and the other party during themarriage): Description of Item Present Value Who Has It Who Receives It (H or W) (H or W) American LegalNet, Inc. TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 5 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) 13.Shared Debts of the Parties (list all debt for which you and the other party are liable): Creditor Name 226 Purpose of Debt Name on Debt Amount Owed 14.Has either party made payments on shared debts of the Parties after date of separation?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, list all payments on shared debts of the Parties: Creditor Name 226 Date of Payment Amount Paid Paid by (H or W) FUNDS HELD BY OTHERS (Complete if Property Division is an issue) 15.Does any person, firm, business, or other entity have possession or control of money or propertyin which either party presently has an interest (e.g. life insurance policies, deposit accounts)?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, list each item of property and the party who presently has the property, and describe American LegalNet, Inc. TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 6 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) your interest in the property: 16.Does either party have an interest in a retirement plan, profit sharing plan or pension plan?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.Has each pension or retirement plan been joined for this case? Yes [ ] No [ ]. c.If yes, list the business, agency or employer who maintains the plan, and describe the party222sinterest in the plan (e.g., party222s employer, party is receiving benefits from the plan): TRACING (Complete if property division is an issue.) 17.Has an item of property been acquired by you and the other party using money or other propertythat was the separate property of just one of you?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, list each item of property and describe how the property was acquired and what moneyor property belonging to just one party was used in acquiring the property described. (Example: a car owned before marriage was traded in or sold to buy the car both parties now own.) Describe in detail the circumstances: American LegalNet, Inc. TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 7 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) PROPOSAL FOR DIVISION OF PROPERTY AND DEBTS (Complete if property division is an issue) 18.Proposed Division of Property and Debts: Award to Husband Award to Wife Description of Item (List value of item below) (List value of item below) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CURRENT INCOME AND EXPENSE (Complete in all cases.) 19.File a completed Income and Expense Declaration with current information for you, and attachcurrent pay stubs to it. SPOUSAL SUPPORT (Complete if Spousal Support is an issue) 20.Is there presently an order for Spousal Support?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, give the date the order was issued: c.Payable by which party top the other? payable to American LegalNet, Inc. TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 8 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) d.Amount per month $e.Termination date, if any 21.Future Spousal Support a.Should one Party pay Spousal Support to the other? [ ] Yes [ ] No b.Explain why or why not: CHILD SUPPORT (Complete in all cases where child custody or child support is at issue.) 22.Is there presently an order for child support?a.[ ] Yes[ ] No b.Payable by to (Party name or Local Child Support Agency) 23.Future child support: Does the amount of child support need to be adjusted?a.[ ] Yes [ ] No b.If yes, explain any changes in time share, employment, income or other circumstances sincethe previous order was made: c.Amount of time the child(ren) spend with each parent: Father % Mother % American LegalNet, Inc. TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT Page 9 of 9 Form Adopted - Local Rules of the Superior Court of California, County of Tuolumne TUO-CV-200 (Revised March 1, 2017) OTHER ISSUES (Complete if there are additional issues before the court.) 24.If there are additional issues the Court is to consider, identify each and describe thecircumstances, and state your request for resolution: DATED: By: (Signature) [ ] Petitioner OR [ ] Respondent DATED: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT American LegalNet, Inc.

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