Request To Enter Default (Family Law-Uniform Parentage) {FL-165} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Judicial Council   Family Law - Dissolution - Legal Separation -Annulment 
Request To Enter Default (Family Law-Uniform Parentage) {FL-165} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 1/3/2018

Request To Enter Default (Family Law-Uniform Parentage) {FL-165}

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FL-165 FOR COURT USE ONLY CASE NUMBER:REQUEST TO ENTER DEFAULTTo the clerk: Please enter the default of the respondent who has failed to respond to the petition. is attachedis not attached. A completed Property Declaration (form FL-160)is attachedis not attached(a) there have been no changes since the previous filing.(b) the issues subject to disposition by the court in this proceeding are the subject of a written agreement.there are no issues of child, spousal, or partner support or attorney fees and costs subject to determination by the court. (d) (e) Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME)(SIGNATURE OF [ATTORNEY FOR] PETITIONER)A copy of this Request to Enter Default, including any attachments and an envelope with sufficient postage, was provided to the court clerk, with the envelope addressed as follows (address of the respondent222s attorney or, if none, the respondent222s last known address):a. b.I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Date: FOR COURT USE ONLY Request to Enter Default mailed to the respondent or the respondent222s attorney on (date): Clerk, by, DeputyPage 1 of 2 Code of Civil Procedure, 247247 585, 587;REQUEST TO ENTER DEFAULT (Family Law227Uniform Parentage)Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California FL-165 [Rev. January 1, 2005]Family Code, 247 2335.51. 2. A completed Income and Expense Declaration (form FL-150) or Financial Statement (Simplified) (form FL-155)this is an action to establish parental relationship.there are no issues of division of community property.the petition does not request money, property, costs, or attorney feesPETITIONER:RESPONDENT: ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OFSTREET ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS:CITY AND ZIP CODE:BRANCH NAME: because (check at least one of the following): TELEPHONE NO.:ATTORNEY FOR (Name):FAX NO. (Optional):E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional):CASE NUMBER: Memorandum of costsCosts and disbursements are waived.Costs and disbursements are listed as follows:Clerk222s fees $(1)(2)$Process server222s fees ...................................Other (specify): ................................................................................................................... ...................................(3)$$$$TOTAL $I am the attorney, agent, or party who claims these costs. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing items of cost are correct and have been necessarily incurred in this cause or proceeding.I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME)(SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT)Declaration of nonmilitary status. The respondent is not in the military service of the United States as defined in section 511 et seq. of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. Appen. 247 501 et seq.), and is not entitled to the benefits of such act.I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Date:(TYPE OR PRINT NAME)(SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT)FL-165 [Rev. January 1, 2005]REQUEST TO ENTER DEFAULT (Family Law227Uniform Parentage)Page 2 of 24. c.5. a.b. .............................................................................................................. ................................ ............................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... ................................ CASE NAME (Last name, first name of each party):

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