Petition For Forfeiture Of Vehicle And Notice Of Hearing {MC-202} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Petition For Forfeiture Of Vehicle And Notice Of Hearing {MC-202} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Petition For Forfeiture Of Vehicle And Notice Of Hearing {MC-202}

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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name and Address): TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY FOR: NAME OF COURT: STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLAIMANT (NAME OF EACH): CASE NUMBER: PETITION FOR FORFEITURE OF VEHICLE AND NOTICE OF HEARING (Vehicle Code, § 14607.6) To each claimant: 1. A hearing on this Petition for Forfeiture of Vehicle will be held at the above court as follows: Date: Time: Dept.: Room: If you fail to appear and pay the court filing fee of $ , your claim will not be heard and your interest in the vehicle may be forfeited. A cada demandante: 1. Una audiencia acerca de esta Petición para la confiscación de un vehículo se celebrará conforme a lo siguiente en la corte anterior: Fecha: Hora: Depto.: Sala: Si usted no se presenta y paga los gastos judiciales de , su reclamo no se escuchará y sus $ derechos sobre el vehículo pueden ser confiscados. This notice is urgent. If you do not understand it, you must seek help. Este aviso es urgente. Si usted no lo entiende, debe pedir ayuda. 2. Petitioner (name): is authorized to file this petition on behalf of the Office of the County. District Attorney City Attorney of (specify): , 3. A (state year and make of vehicle seized): manufacturer's identification number (specify): , was impounded on (date): by (agency): under Vehicle Code section 14607.6, for the following violation or violations: (agency no.): (Continued on reverse) Form Approved by the Judicial Council of California MC-202 [Rev. February 1, 1995] PETITION FOR FORFEITURE OF VEHICLE AND NOTICE OF HEARING (Vehicle Code, § 14607.6) 2001 © American LegalNet, Inc. CLAIMANT (Name): CLAIMED VEHICLE: CASE NUMBER: 4. Within two days of impoundment, the impounding agency sent a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to all legal and registered owners of the vehicle at addresses obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles, as follows: 5. The notice informed the legal and registered owners of the vehicle that it is subject to forfeiture and will be sold or otherwise disposed of under section 14607.6. 6. A Claim Opposing Forfeiture of Vehicle was timely filed by (name and address of each claimant): A copy of each claim is attached hereto. 7. Petitioner requests that the court issue a judgment that the vehicle is forfeited, and confirming that all rights, title, and interest in the vehicle vests in the state pursuant to Vehicle Code section 14607.6. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: .............................................. (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY MC-202 [Rev. February 1, 1995] PETITION FOR FORFEITURE OF VEHICLE AND NOTICE OF HEARING (Vehicle Code, § 14607.6) Page two 2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.

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