Last updated: 5/29/2015
Claim Opposing Forfeiture Of Vehicle (Vehicle Code 14607.6) {MC-201}
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MC-201 CLAIM OPPOSING FORFEITURE OF VEHICLE (Vehicle Code, § 14607.6) 1. Claimant (state name, address, and telephone number): is an individual corporation other (specify): 2. Claimed vehicle (describe): 3. The vehicle was impounded by (agency): (agency no.): 4. Claimant a. is the legal owner registered owner. b. is the personal representative of the estate of the owner, lessee, or secured party. c. other (specify): NOTICE 1. If you have received a notice that your vehicle has been impounded, you must file your claim with the district attorney and serve a copy on each legal owner and registered owner identified on the notice within 15 days after the notice was mailed or, if you were personally served with the notice, within 5 days of that service. 2. The notice you received should include instructions for filing your claim with the district attorney, including how much time you have to do so. If you have not received these instructions you must call the district attorney's office at once. 3. If you file and serve your claim as required, you will receive a notice of a court hearing. You will be required to pay a court filing fee of up to $100, which will be repaid to you if the court rules in your favor. AVISO 1. Si usted ha recibido un aviso de que su vehiculo ha sido confiscado, debe presentar un reclamo ante el Fiscal y notificar judicialmente con una copia de dicho reclamo a cada propietario legal y propietario registrado que se encuentre identificado en el aviso. Debe hacer lo anterior dentro de los 15 dias siguientes a la fecha en que se le envio dicho aviso por correo o, si se le entrego personalmente, dentro de los 5 dias siguientes a la fecha en que se le entrego. 2. El aviso que recibio debe incluir instrucciones para la presentacion de su reclamo ante el Fiscal e informacion sobre el plazo para hacerlo. Si no ha recibido estas instrucciones, debe Ilamar de immediato a la oficina del Fiscal. 3. Si usted presenta su reclamo y envia las notificaciones judiciales de la manera requerida, se le notificara la fecha en que se celebrara la audiencia en la corte. Tendra que pagar hasta $100 por concepto de gastos judiciales, los cuales se le reembolsaran si la corte falla en su favor. This notice is urgent. If you do not understand it, you must seek help. Este aviso es urgente. Si usted no lo entiende, debe pedir ayuda. Page 1 of 2 Form Approved by the Judicial Council of California MC-201 [Rev. January 1, 2009] CLAIM OPPOSING FORFEITURE OF VEHICLE (Vehicle Code § 14607.6) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com CLAIMANT (Name): CLAIMED VEHICLE: 5. Claimant's interest in the right to or value of the claimed property is a. all part (specify nature, amount, or percentage): b. unknown. 6. Claimant requests a. that the claimed vehicle be ordered forfeited. b. costs of suit. other (specify): c. 7. Number of pages attached: ______ VERIFICATION I am the claimant in this proceeding and have read this claim. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: .................................................... (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF CLAIMANT) MC-201 (Rev. January 1, 2009) Page 2 of 2 CLAIM OPPOSING FORFEITURE OF VEHICLE (Vehicle Code, § 14607.6)
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